So Kelsey had her three month old birthday yesterday...I can't believe it has been three months already! She is growing up so fast! Right now she is even helping me type this post. (And by helping I mean she is sitting on my lap, totally entertained by the light of the computer screen, throwing herself forward towards the keyboard every two seconds because she wants to get a better look- causing me to get about two letters typed before I have to grab her and pull her back to sitting up again so she won't bonk her head on the desk...but that's about as close as she gets to helping these days!)
I thought I would post a couple of pictures in honor of her "birthday". Here she is showing off what a "stretchy baby" she is:

And here she is in her crib for the first time. She has been sleeping in a playpen bassinet by our bed, and I had stuff filling the crib up until just last finally at three months she has a crib to lay in-- and play in, as you can see:

I call this one her E.T. picture: