And here she is in her "Christmas best" (what can I say? I'm a casual kind of girl!) before church on the Sunday before Christmas:
Here are a couple pictures of her modeling her first Christmas present she got to open on Christmas eve (PJs of course!) You can't really see in the first picture, but there are reindeer on her feet and she was totally loving playing with them!
And here she is on Christmas morning and afternoon opening presents. These series of pictures really made me laugh- I had trouble picking only a few to post!
She also got to go see the city of Bethlehem (she loved the animals!), a reenactment of the Christmas story by a church near where we live. It is pretty cool!
And she got to go to Christmas in the Park in downtown San Jose- a whole strip of land decorated with Christmas trees and moving displays and such. She really seemed entertained by them!
So as you can see it was a packed first holiday season for our little girl! She is so much fun and we are so grateful to have been able to share this time of year with her for her first time. I was going to take a couple pictures of her celebrating her first New Year too...but after all the Christmas excitement, she wasn't even awake to see it..she had zonked out on her daddy on the couch. Oh well, maybe next year =)!