Looks like Ross beat me to the blogging thing this time! I had planned to set aside some time to catch up today, and I get on and find a new post from this morning. I guess great minds think alike =)! Here are just a few (haha) pics to catch up on the past couple months. Sorry about so many pics.
7 1/2 Months
First Time at the Beach:
First Time at the Beach:
Some Cute Faces at Softball:
Those eyes are going to be boy killers someday! =)
And a cute laughing video- she was just going on and on!
And those eyes again...
Standing on her own!
And fitting in her onesie that she wore the day she was born:
(Crazy that it still fits!)
A cute pic in a dress I love that is getting too small...at least something is!
8 1/2 Months
In Utah visiting friends
(Kelsey had a blast with their two kids...and we are total bums since we didn't get any pictures to show for it!)
Always finding something little to examine!
At the Salt Lake Temple for my cousin's wedding:
I know, you're all thinking how lucky I am! =)
At the Salt Lake Temple for my cousin's wedding:
More cute softball pics:

Ross' bro Cameron's graduation:

Youngest Camper at Girl's Camp (our church's camp for 12-18 yr olds)
Ross' bro Cameron's graduation:
Youngest Camper at Girl's Camp (our church's camp for 12-18 yr olds)
(It was so cold!)

9 1/2 Months:
9 1/2 Months:
Father's Day!
Superstar Bottle Drinker!

(Don't ask what the big red splotches on her are...I have no idea. And didn't notice them until I was making this blog post.)
Okay! So that's the last couple of months in a nutshell. She had an absolute blast on our trip to Utah and Idaho, meeting new people, seeing new places, and especially playing with all the big(ger) kids. Since being back, Kelsey has definitely been changing and growing up fast. She must have learned a thing or two from all the big kids!