Hi all. This is Suz. I thought I would finally join my cute hubby in this world of "baby blogginess" as he calls it. I don't have much to say about myself, but I can for sure go on and on about our sweet baby girl. I thought I would start by listing some things I am thankful for- considering it is Thanksgiving time and all.
1. My sweet little bug- the most darling baby in the world!

1. (I have to have a tie for the top spot of course!) My sweet husband- who is the best daddy in the world!
3. The time I get to spend just watching my little bug and my hubby talk and interact and play and cuddle and sleep together. (You can see Kelsey talking to her daddy in the third pic from Ross' last post.)

Okay, so now for the not so serious things-- even though they are things I am seriously thankful for!
4. Disposable diapers- our little girl is a serious diaper filling factory!
5. Footed sleepers- it is getting cold and our wiggly, wiggly baby (she gets it from her daddy) can never keep socks or covers on her at night
6. Showers- When I get a second to take one =)! Even though I almost always get to listen to a screaming baby.
7. A car seat base that stays in my car so we can easily snap the car seat in and out with her already in it- though it barely all fits in my tiny car.
8. T-shirts, sweatpants, and sweatshirts- the wardrobe of choice for this new mom! (Not that it wasn't my wardrobe of choice when I was childless too...haha!)
9. Ice cream! Seriously, I never craved it when I was pregnant, but ever since I have been "unpregnant" I seem to always be in the mood!
10. Bananas- They are such a good source of nutrition and pretty filling too! Unfortunately, I couldn't stand them when I was pregnant...but now I love them again! Yay! Ross hates them and they are one of my favorite foods. They are especially good with whipped cream on them... though I guess that takes away my argument that they are good for you.
I better stop at ten things since they are getting so random anyway. Obviously our lives revolve around the babes these days! I am just so thankful to be blessed with such a beautiful, sweet daughter and a wonderful husband who is a great father for our little girl.