Does anything happen in our lives that doesn't revolve around our daughter? I don't think so. I guess that's the way it works. It's good. I just had that thought as I realized that I haven't written about a single thign that we have done since the baby came, except the baby. Probably because all I do is work and go to school, and all Suz does is take care of the baby and coach volleyball. Which is where she is right now.
And, also where we were last weekend. We drove up to Shasta for the weekend to go to a volleyball tournament for D.A. There were some high points, and some low points, but all in all, Suz and I had fun. Dad made two big mistakes though. One was putting everything for the stroller in the car except the one piece that we needed for it to work, and the other was a doozy; I left the diaper bag in Shasta and we didn't realize it until we were 3 hours down the road! Now just a diaper bag, who cares, right? Except the bag had 75 mils of milk in it, along with everything needed to feed the baby, including all our bottles. We had a few spare diapers laying around, but babies, last I checked, can't eat diapers. So what did we end up doing? Finding a Target, getting some supplies and a bottle, while Suz made some baby milk in the car and I tried to calm a very, very hungry baby (who hadn't eaten in, I dunno, about 6 hours). It ended up ok. We had been on our way to meet Suz's cousin Jennifer and her family for dinner. We were about, oh, 2 hours late. But they were understanding and Ron and Trina kept them entertained till we and the babe came. Very nice people. I think Trina has some pics, maybe they will find their way up there.
More camera phone pics, so they aren't good quality. But she's cute, so stop your complaining already.
Oh and we gave her a pacifier for the first time this weekend. She seems to like it, but not so much that she keeps it in her mouth forever. Hopefully she won't fall in love with it.
I'm not sure you're referring to our team losing, because that would definitely be a low point of the weekend. We do that fairly well these days, grrr. I'm just sorry you left your bag, and I'm glad you guys were able to come. That was my high point of the weekend. :) Kelsey just keeps getting cuter and cuter!
Boy have I been there. We had to buy a bottle, and a pacifier in 2 separate occasions. AND once (when Alexis was about 9 mo. old) I bought her milk because I left her formula at home. AND we were on WIC and formula was SOOO expensive. And guess what? It upset her stomach and she cried the whole way home. Serves me right for trying to save money! Love the pictures. And I think it's cute how now your lives revolve around your kid. Welcome to the club!
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